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Scores and music books: quality, creativity and service always accessible for you.

Traditional Music

This collection of Catalan traditional music (Solfeggio Drawer), which receives the collaboration of various institutions, for example Direcció General de Cultura Popular i Tradicional del Deparatament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya, has the mission of publishing recovered scores for both the gralla (flageolet) and other Catalan traditional instruments, and of promoting the publication of new arrangements of folk melodies and original compositions.

16.00 € VAT included

35.00 € VAT included

Primavera Mazarico


Book with CD


Maties Mazarico


Calaix de solfa Nr. 18

19.70 € VAT included

El llibre d'orgue de Calaf




Jaume Carrer


Calaix de solfa Nr. 17

18.70 € VAT included

Música de Ministrers




Calaix de solfa Nr. 16

15.00 € VAT included

12.00 € VAT included

DINSIC Publicacions Musicals, S.L.
Warehouse: Sepúlveda, 84 - 08015 Barcelona (Calàbria / Metro L1 Rocafort)
From Monday to Friday 9:30 - 13:30
Tels. +34 93 832 69 46
[email protected]
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