He was born in Sant Hilari Sacalm (Girona) on 12/06/1960.
He is a qualified teacher of musical education and theory of music.
- He teaches at the Ramon Llull University in the Blanquerna Faculty of Psychology and Educational Science, where he teaches history of music and folk culture, musical ensembles and computers-in-music to students studying to be music teachers.
- Founder, director and head of studies in musical language, harmony, chamber music and instrumental ensembles at the music schools of Sant Hilari (since 1978) and Arbúcies (since 1988).
- Teacher at the Music Education School ' Ireneu Segarra method.
- Specialist teacher of music for secondary-education level in the Col·legi Sant Josep.
- Director and founder of the children's choirs Petits Cantaires (1976), Coral Clau de Sol (1992), and Coral Jove.
- Founder and board member of the association Amics de la Música de Sant Hilari, promoting musical activities (concerts, summer festivavls etc.) since 1977.
- Director and founder of the Orquestra Jove de la Selva (2000), comprising a string orchestra and 'big band'.
- Composer of the children's cantatas 'Rebel·lió a la cuina' (Rebellion in the kitchen) and 'Les veus de la natura' (the voices of nature), and responsible for two volumes of the 'Repertori instrumental per a grups de cambra i grups instrumentals' (Instrumental repertoire for chamber and instrumental ensembles) published by Amalgama Edicions in 1998.
- Composer of various works for mixed choir and untrained voices, setting to music poetry by various authors: Josep Carner, 'Rellotge de l'any' (Year clock); Francesc Danès, 'Vindrem infant' (We will come, child); Pere Calders, 'Nota biogràfica'; Miquel Desclot, 'Cançó de menta' (Mint song), P. Pere Ribot, 'El secreto' (The secret); Salvador Espriu, 'Cançó banal de la Ciutat de Ctesifon' (Banal song of the city of Ctesifón); Pere Quart, 'Amb pijama i frac' (In pyjamas and dinner jacket); Guerau de Liost, 'Gelada' (Frost); Miquel Martí i Pol, 'Xocolata desfeta' (Melted chocolate) etc.
- Composer of sardanas (traditional Catalan dance), most notably 'Poble que canta' (Singing people), a prize-winner at the competition Nueva Sardana 87; 'A trenc d'alba' (At dawn), which won the fifth prize in the Ceret-Banyoles competition, and works for cobla (traditional band) such as 'Dos divertiments per a cobla sobre temes populars catalans' (Two divertimentos for cobla on Catalan folk tunes), which won an honourable mention in the Ramon Serrat prize for young composers in 1992, etc.
- Author of the following research papers on ethnomusicology: 'El fet sonor relacionat amb el Via Crucis de St. Hilari' (The sound event related to the Via Crucis of Sant Hilari) and 'La música tradicional a Sant Hilari' (Traditional music in Sant Hilaris) (1997-99), through a grant provded by the Centre for the Promotion of Popular Culture of the Autonomous Government of Catalonia.