Born in Castellbell i el Vilar (Barcelona).
He studied theory of music and piano at the Barcelona Music School (Conservatorio Superior de Música), and harmony and composition with Estre Oliveres. He later furthered his studies in choral conducting and the teaching of music (the Dalcroze, Llongueres and Orff approaches).
He has composed instrumental and choral music, as well as a very large amount of music for children. He has won various awards in all those musical fields: the elix d'or (instrumental music), the first prize in the national Habaneras prize in Torrevieja (choral music), the first prize in the Villa de Madrid Carol Competition, the Ciutat de Reus prize (music for children), and Cavall Fort prizes with the songs 'Cànon del rellotge' (clock canon), 'L'estel de paper' (the paper star) and 'La nau pirata' (the pirate ship).
He has conducted the Capella de Música Burès, the Montserratí choir, the choir and orchestra La Passió of Olesa, the Agrupació de Joves Percussionistes and the Agrupació Musical Castellet.
He has worked as a member with Canto Internacional de Barcelona, and as a founder of the Festival Internacional de Canto Coral Catalunya Centro.
He has given courses on the teaching of music in various schools: the Jaume Balmes school (Castellbell i el Vilar), the Betzaide school (Terrassa), and the Capella de Música music school in Burès. He has worked as a coordinator for the state schools of Sant Vincenç, and as director of the Municipal Music School there. He has given courses on the teaching of music for Primary-School teachers in Sabadell.
His most significant choral/instrumental works are: 'Alborada' (morning music), 'Nocturnos de la ventana' (window nocturnes), 'Plomes al vent' (feathers in the wind), 'T'he mirat' (I looked at you), 'Invocación a sant Jordi' (Invocation to Saint George), and 'Nadal, llum i misteri' (Christmas, light and mystery). This last-named composition has been recorded on CDs by a number of choirs in Catalonia.