Temps canviant
Inside Pages
A toneless piece divided into two different parts which formally turn into three sections. The first one presents the initial theme, quiet and with undulating profile, and its variation, following a rhythmic element in composed time, with a marked sharp and funny characteristic. Then the quiet comes back, in a 7/4 time with a sensual theme full of expressivity. A transition time follows up reaching a 5/8 where the dysrhythmia takes the moment, in a light and funny way. The second section, from a variation of the initial theme comes into a rhythmic element very restless, where the accents and silences, combined with the acceleration and dynamic growth, provide with a renewed interest. Later, a new pianissimo and expressive theme comes up. Intimate feeling that discloses coming out. It ends with a last design in a 5/8 and 7/8 time, alternate in a Vivo movement which configures 5 dysrhythmic times with a life explosion as jumping on the negative influences and keeping the strength, with its positive aspects.The third section is a complete repetition of the second one, which allows the musician to make a new recreation.
It is a piece in which we can perceive dynamism, anguish, stress and the opposite feelings of today's life, where stability is not forever, either in the outside nor within ourselves, because we are at the same time cause and effect of a changing time...
The author
Alto saxophoneTechnical Specifications
21 x 29,7 cm, vertical
Number of Pages
DINSIC Publicacions Musicals
Also collaborating:
Cover Designer
Pep Borràs