In the sphere of concert music we find over sixty works in Jordi Rossinyol's catalogue, for a wide variety of instrumental groups and ensembles, such as his 'Lluna minvant' (Waning moon), 'Pròsper laberint intermitent' (Prosperous intermittent labyrinth), 'Milus', 'Goodnight moon' or 'Jardí imaginat' (Imaginary garden); for soloists, such as his 'Solo sueño' (Just sleepy) or '¿Eras tú'' (Was it you'); works for symphonic band such as 'Jocs de mans' (Sleight of hand); electro-acoustic music such as his 'Concert mestís' (Cross-bred concert), 'Ocellots' (Birdies) or 'Miralls' (Mirrors); choral works such as his 'Madrigal' or his 'Inversemblança' (Unlikliness); works for solo voice, such as 'Cançons d'estiu i de tardor' (Songs of summer and autumn), 'Ciudad sin sueño' (Sleepless city) and 'Harmonie du soir'; and chamber-opera works, such as 'La petita bufa' (Piece of buffoonery).
Most of the works in his catalogue were given their first performances by prominent performers, among whom we might mention the mezzo-soprano Anna Ricci (who commissioned a number of works from him), the flautist Joan Izquierdo, the bass Josep Pieres, the mezzo-soprano Marisa Martins, the guitarist Nangialai Nashir, the group Vol ad Libitum, the Arcana Quartet and the Fu-Mon Quartet.
Music for Dance and Theatre
He has composed a certain number of works for other artistic areas, among which could be singled out his 'Brossiana', by Joan Brossa, with Anna Ricci; 'Nit' (Night ' for the Sala Beckett theatre); 'La llet del paradís' (The milk of paradise, for the Malic theatre); and 'Lorca-New York' (for the Barcelona Centre for Contemporary Culture - CCCB). He has been producing music since 1990 for various shows at the Théâtre Tangente Vardar.
Music in the Educational Sphere
He has composed a large number of chamber works for various ensembles at elementary and intermediate levels, often written with specific groups at various music schools in mind.
From his many-sided output in this sphere, so far his cantata 'Històries d'Abdelfagí' has been released on CD, peformed by children, and his collection 'Cacera de grills' has been published by Dinsic.