Musical Language
(The Language of Music Intermediate) This collection brings together material for the Musical Language course in the Intemediate Level of the new system of music studies, in catalan language. It has been prepared by a number of authors and presents a broad selection of material which each teacher may use and combine freely. It is supplemented by the Audició (Listening) collection.
Llenguatge Musical Grau Mitjà 2
Author:Àngels Arnaus Puerto, Francesca Galofré Mora, Josep Baucells Colom, Lluïsa Alegre Heitzmann, Xavier Boliart Ponsa, Xavier Torns Cuende
Collection:21.50 € VAT included
Llenguatge Musical Grau Mitjà 1
Author:Àngels Arnaus Puerto, Francesca Galofré Mora, Josep Baucells Colom, Lluïsa Alegre Heitzmann, Xavier Boliart Ponsa, Xavier Torns Cuende
Collection:21.50 € VAT included