He was born in Barcelona in 1969. As a son and a brother of musicians, he has devoted his career to the spreading of music from different points of view: on the one hand, as a journalist and communicator in several radio programmes, newsletter articles, conferences and news programmes; and on the other, as a composer and performer. He graduated in journalism and is a flabiol and tamborí (traditional Catalan instruments) teacher. As a performer, he was a member of several instrumental ensembles, as the Cobla Mediterrània, the Cobla de Cambra de Catalunya or the minimalist music ensemble called Air Ensemble, and collaborated with traditional music ensembles such as Ràdio Kuartet or Els Cosins del Sac, and with orchestras such as the Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya. He has recorded over 35 CDs with flabiol, flute, recorder and exotic flutes. Since 1996, he accompanies the Gegants de la Ciutat de Barcelona on the flabiol.
He is the author of several compositions, mostly folk music, which have been awarded prizes in several composition competitions and of which we should point out Ball de Gegants de la Pobla de Segur, Ball de Gegants de Cardedeu, Sardana Modal, Ball de Gegants Dalí, Gala i En Ferran de Ciutat Vella (sardana for cobla and drums). We should as well point out the gralla compositions Pasdoble de nit, Ball dels gegants de Ribes and Ball de bastons d'Olivella, his instrumentation for string quartet of El cant dels ocells (composition commissioned by Fòrum Barcelona 2004) and the sardanes Sant Pere i Sant Pau and La sardana de la sardina. He was a producer and newsreader of the radio programme Fes ta Festa de Ràdio 4, recording producer of the Cobla Mediterrània and the Cobla de Cambra de Catalunya, and responsible for the Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya’s musical documentation. He currently teaches music at the Institut Can Puig in Sant Pere de Ribes and creates, among other hobbies, the crossword puzzles of the magazine Catalunya Música/Revista Musical Catalana. He lives in Sant Pere de Ribes with Laura, their two children, Ferran and Glòria, and Dolors (the cat) and Kafka (the dog).